Friday, 21 February 2014

met with a fife council team

Tuesday 18th February

We had a meeting at the invitation of Mr David Ross, head of fife council to explain some of our worries regarding the proposed takeover of the lease of the harbour area by NQCT.

The historical part of the club/council relationship was ably covered by Mr Gordon Scobie. The chairman contributed the current situation regarding the NQCT proposal and the lack of cohesive planning by NQCT as their business plan ( whether it is 1, 2 or 3)  does not take the clubs needs into account at all

I put forward the impossibility of squeezing the boats into the small space allocated and tried to explain the heart of the club is the way the members care about their boats and that if the skills of the members are lost they will never be replaced.

David Ross expressed his concern for the future of NQBC and to that end there will be clauses in the heads of terms of any lease protecting the club. It appears unlikely the lease will be finalised by the start of the financial year. 

I claimed a woman's right to the last word to make a plea that they recognise that as a working men's club our members are not regarded as having bottomless pockets to pay ever inflating fees.

They sounded interested, but only time will tell.

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