Monday, 9 June 2014

Saturday meeting

Saturday meet at Albert Hotel

We were given a presentation by Mr James Hilder of AN Roth biography with reference to various community take over scenarios he was involved with; these are totally irrelevant to our situation which is more of  hostile takeover of our boat club community by NQCT.
We provided an attendance of 33 members and acquitted ourselves well in the explanation of our issues with their plans.
Several of our members spoke eloquently and in detail; reiterating the inappropriateness of a harbour master.
One of our members demonstrated a familiarity with Mr Hilder’s Tobermory project which was very informative as it gave a balance to Mr Hilder’s rather rosy picture of community takeovers by showing some inaccuracies in his presentation.
Two of our members voiced their opinion of the length of time being allocated to Mr Hilder’s need to inform us of his experience in these matters. It is not his ability that needs to be demonstrated but that of NQCT and the fact that someone from out of NQ had to be imported rather places their claim to be a body capable of running the pier into question if they cannot manage a meeting unassisted.
Our chairman picked up from Mr Hilder’s open discussion that the NQHT’s presentation to Fife Council was totally unnecessary as Government legalisation means only local residents can form a community trust.
The one good thing to come out of this meeting is that the council insists (written into heads of terms) all monies paid (less their expenses?) by boat owners and club are to be spent within the West Bay/pier area.
NQCT’s chairman gave an account of how far the negotiations have proceeded regarding the lease; our chairman’s opinion is that they may have reached an impasse on certain matters.
The rest of the meeting was taken up by several different points, mainly brought up by our members, which were written on many sheets of paper on a flip board by Mr Hilder.
I hope I have accurately described the proceedings as unfortunately there was no-one taking minutes; which was touch unprofessional for a meeting that was several weeks in co-co-ordinating.
We have been told there will be further meetings but as yet no information has been forthcoming.
Our Chairman’s opinion is that they need our experience and knowledge more than we need them; but what they really want from us is (as community trust put on the community council web site) our fees.
Our chairman reminds all members that we must be diligent and standfast in our approach to this matter and not succumbs to any form of bulling from FC or members of NQCT and not to be intimidated by people or fancy titles.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Up date on events

First of all we would like to thank all the members who have put their boats into the water and tidied away all the blocks etc that they had used.   We hope all members will continue to tidy up as their boats are put into the water.
It has come to the chairman’s attention that a council representative visited the pier on Friday 2nd of May, without the civility of notifying the club in advance.

  He then approached Alex Hardie and without introducing himself demanded to know why Alex was in the workshop.  At this point the committee has had no official communication from the council regarding any notice to quit the workshop and therefore any approach or aggressive conduct by any council representative is illegal under Scot’s Law.
The chairman is posting this email on the blog to let any followers of our cause know of the current state of affairs.

In the interest of clarification of the current situation we have agreed in principle to an open meeting with the Community Trust at the pier ,  further details will be made available to you as soon as we have them .  All members should attend if possible and will be able to express their views.  

This meeting does not imply collusion or co-operation with the Community Trust by the Chairman and committee,  it is simply to provide an opportunity for a free and frank exchange of views

Friday, 18 April 2014

The First NQBC boat in water

Well done Stuart you are the first member to launch a boat in 2014 and  after you refurbished her.

Photo By James Stewart

More Boats to follow

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

letter to fife councillors REF: meeting of 25th March

To the Councillors attending the Fife Councils executive meeting
 Of March 25th 2014

Dear Councillors

This is information you need to know before there is any decision taken regarding the lease for North Queensferry Old Railway Pier.

I wish to reiterate our objection to a decision made by a group of three Fife councillors and five council officers held on 2013 July Wednesday 24th 3:30pm at Inverkeithing Civic Centre, awarding the status of preferred bidder to North Community Trust (NQCT) against the North Queensferry harbour Trust (NQHT) the legal entity of North Queensferry Boat Club (NQBC) the latter having been the de facto caretakers of the pier/harbour on behalf of Fife Council for 20 years.

This decision is due to be presented to you for ratification at your executive committee meeting. This decision was taken after one 45 minute meeting with both parties; a small amount of time to dispose of such a high value asset; without proper due diligence being conducted (proper due diligence reports normally take a month at least and are conducted by an impartial outside source)

As shown in our presentation we (NQHT/NQBC) are committed to the development of the old railway pier/harbour area as a marine user’s haven for the west fife community and will encourage other marine leisure pursuits; allowing free use of the pier area to planned community events whilst investing in new facilities, further supporting the estimated tourist influx.

As the present functioning management team of this council asset we also ensured that council fees (approx 20.000 pounds annually in total) are paid by our members. NQBC/NQHT feels that we have proved our ability to be formally recognised as the caretakers by being awarded the lease.

 The other potential trust has no such experience, their business plan is unrealistic; the plan presented to the panel is also full of irregularities some of which are shown below with no sustainable finance for running cost for the initial  2 years shown in said plan.

·         WE were initially informed that there would be no large increase in our fees, they now intend after year one to increase our fees by 28%.
·         They mention other community based trusts none of whom run a harbour.
Quoted community consultations results are based on less than 5% of residents
Community groups have organised at the pier
·         1 raft race per year
·         1 wedding reception in 20 years
·         1 Garden event in  20 years
NQCB have organised
·         2 boat festivals ( mentioned in parliament)
·         The building and Launching of 2 rowing skiffs owned by NQBC (3rd under construction)
·         Supported the revival of NQ vs. SQ rowing race
·         Organised donations to the local schools and the local Gala.
·         Space/ use of our equipment for sail-ability fife to re-furbish a boat gifted to them.

NQCT hope to offer at the pier

·         The use of the area for informal (unsupervised) BBQ’s and children’s activities in an area that could prove unsafe
·         Day long events Festivals, weddings, corporate events, these could take income from local businesses, including the newly planned forth bridge visitor centre in NQ.

Visitor attractions
·         Any village-wide tourism plan will require an expensive infrastructure and experienced management to provide the toilets, parking and catering facilities.
·         There is no infrastructure to accommodate thousands of visitors, cars or buses ( the day of the NQ-SQ rowing event there was grid lock in and around the harbour) the space is not there and cannot be created other than knocking down surrounding private housing and infilling part of the west bay. Perhaps NQCT would be better organising parking at the community centre to accommodate the requirements of the proposed sports centre for which they have forgotten to include in the plans for this proposal.

Marine tourism
·         NQBC has the mooring rights from the Crown and will own these rights  long-term
·         NQCT cannot bring any touring yachts into these moorings.
·         All visitors from cruise ships are landed at SQ this includes transportation from cruise ships, guided tours and local walking tours this  arrangement was  created by the SQ initiative.
·         NQBC has met with members of the  Cross Party Group studying this area of tourism and we have sought advice  on development and harbour usage

Maritime activities
·         NQBC has already funded and built 2 rowing skiffs
·         NQBC already  offers boat maintenance
·         Sailing and Sailing lessons already tried and failed by a trustee of NQCT
·         Canoeing and kayaking  already happens with the help of NQBC, these people do not wish premises on the harbour

NQBC have been told we will not be allowed any more new project boats, yet NQCT wish to encourage boat building/ repairs.
Despite a decrease in hard standing NQCT wish an increase of 22 boats from 78 to 100. The area they wish to allocate for all year round hard standing has not been tested to ensure it can take the weight of the boats that would use it. This area is too small to take the number of boats and trailers that would be required to be stored there without removing trees and reinforcing the embankments.
NQCT wish to appoint a harbour master, despite the fact he/she will have no authority over boats moored in the harbour.

Portacabin providing toilet facilities and office space already exists and owned by NQBC with the disposal of toilet waste being dealt with at NQBC expense.

Work shop building changing to a possible wide range of boat building and group activities despite the fact that NQBC owns the power and equipment that is present in this building.

The new car park, with possible seasonal activities will turn this area that is a small park into a desolate empty unappealing space.

NQCT long term vision of a multipurpose building – there has been no feasibility study as to the suitability of the area for such extensive development ie whether the side pier wall/ embankment could take the weight without collapsing.

NQBC/NQHT is financially stable and can support initial/everyday running costs without any borrowings or grants indefinitely.

NQCT led by a QC has chosen to ignore basic law;

·         The existing tenants must not be disadvantaged by changeover (tenant’s rights)

·         Any heads of terms for any lease are required to secure for NQBC the facilities that NQBC has always had and without which NQBC (the tenant) would otherwise be seriously disadvantaged; i.e. water, electricity, club house/tea cabin, workshop and secure storage of communal club items and property along with sufficient space for boats and boat moving equipment.

·         This should be included in such a way as to secure this for NQBC for as long as the club exists. NQBC should not be disadvantaged or it future threatened by fee/rent increases beyond normal in line increases with inflation; the club cannot be used as a cash cow to fund unrealistic and unfeasible day dreams.

The members of NQBC who number 97 at present have no confidence in NQCTs ability to manage the harbour and fear for the future of a club which will have been established for 60 years. The reason for our lack of confidence is shown partly by the NQCT business plan presented to the panel and more so in the different business plan presented to the community at an open meeting in which our year round space will be decreased by approximately 80%. They have shown no knowledge of boat owner’s needs; their plans are unfeasible.

 We are not a prestigious club but simply a unique well respected workingmen’s boat club with such boat building skills that is the envy of every facility along both sides of the river; we do encourage projects and this year seen the launch of an old navy cutter that was restored by one of our members  with more to be restored and a new build to be launched,  we also secured a lottery grant to build a racing skiff, in fact we built two, helping start up the North Queensferry Community rowing club to whom we lend these skiffs .

The NQCT chairman is a QC and we do not have that legal expertise to know our rights, should the NQCT decide to increase fees to a point where our members can no longer afford to berth their boats this may cause the disbandment of a club with skilled men that has lasted for 60 years.

It is also our considered opinion that Councillor Pat Callaghan should recuse himself from this discussion as he was part of the interviewing group for the council. Councillor Mike Shirkie’s bias in favour of NQCT should be noted in view of his current position as a trustee of NQCT

David Ross invited two representatives of NQBC/NQHT to a meeting to discuss our concerns regarding the possible takeover of the lease by NQCT and we were assured an investigation would be undertaken to ensure due diligence was taken in the acceptance of NQCT as preferred bidders. We have had no feedback from Mr Ross and our concerns remain unanswered. The speed with which this has come before this committee could lead to the assumption that no such investigation has taken place.

Should you require further information, wish to meet or visit us at the Old railway Pier please contact the writer in the following manner




North Queensferry Boat club
Old Railway Pier
North Queensferry
KY11 1HW


David Stewart

Chairman NQBC

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Members Photo's

Photo: the deer that hangs around the boat club  some great wild life we have down here

Some of the wildlife that we encourage at North Queensferry Old Railway Pier

Photo: pic by j.stewart boat going under railbridge

This is some of the traffic that passes the Pier everyday

Photos by one of our members James Stewart.

The Old Railway Pier  proudly showing  the boats that live there and before a lot go onto moorings for the summer.

Friday, 21 February 2014

copy of letter sent to the Fife press

This letter was sent into the press, but they published their own version.

Dear Editor

I am asking you to publish the following open letter on behalf of the members of North Queensferry Boat Club, Old Railway Pier North Queensferry Fife.  To the following People:

 To Fife Councillors.

As chairman of NQBC I request that you (the Councillors) do not support the granting of a lease to NQCT on the grounds that there are growing concerns that after investigating both their proposals (one given to FC, one presented to the public at a pre-emptive meeting) there are serious irregularities in those proposals that requires further and more detailed investigations before a lease is granted. I also request that the NQ Harbour issue is removed from the SWAC agenda until these concerns are investigated.

To Leaders of the various political parties within Fife.

I submit that it would be helpful to form a cross party committee to investigate our claims and to ensure no councillor is subjected to external pressure  by those who wish the transfer to go ahead at all costs.


We (NQBC) have been acting as caretakers for the harbour at North Queensferry on behalf of FC to their satisfaction for over 20 years and the club has been in existence for 60 years. We are very active within the community by raising lottery funds to build 2 rowing skiffs for a community rowing club which we helped form and are very active with donations to the community, we also held 2 boat festivals with another planned for next year. Under our care-taking we have seen the return of nesting shell ducks and a few seals visiting our bay, as a boat club our green credentials are second to none; we are also committed to protecting our bay from unethical development and are actively planning to try and have the pier area declared a mini nature reserve.

When Fife Council decided to pass on the lease, interested parties were invited to put forward proposals and to this end we (NQBC) established North Queensferry harbour Trust (NQHT).

We submitted our proposal to a committee comprised of Fife Councillors and officers but were unanimously turned down by said committee in favour of a non boating Community Trust (NQCT); this was agreed in the mid 2000’s, so no matter what NQHT presented we were not to be awarded this lease.

NQCT which is headed by a QC; (who also chairs the community council) has no track record of property management.

The NQCT committee's plans are to decimate the space for the boat club and as at the moment we use every available space (98 members)

It would be a sad day for the boating community if a club can be threatened in this way. We are not prestigious club simply a working person’s boat club. The NQCT chairman is a QC and we do not have the legal expertise to know our rights if the NQCT decide to increase fees to a point where our members can no longer afford to berth their boats this may cause the disbandment of a club with skilled men that has lasted for 60 years.
I would appreciate any assistance you can give us and I am more than happy to meet with you at any time to provide any further information you require to assist our cause

We have a long-standing relationship with our neighbours and local dog walkers and make our toilet facilities available to members of the public since the council demolished the local toilets without supplying an alternative at the pier.

met with a fife council team

Tuesday 18th February

We had a meeting at the invitation of Mr David Ross, head of fife council to explain some of our worries regarding the proposed takeover of the lease of the harbour area by NQCT.

The historical part of the club/council relationship was ably covered by Mr Gordon Scobie. The chairman contributed the current situation regarding the NQCT proposal and the lack of cohesive planning by NQCT as their business plan ( whether it is 1, 2 or 3)  does not take the clubs needs into account at all

I put forward the impossibility of squeezing the boats into the small space allocated and tried to explain the heart of the club is the way the members care about their boats and that if the skills of the members are lost they will never be replaced.

David Ross expressed his concern for the future of NQBC and to that end there will be clauses in the heads of terms of any lease protecting the club. It appears unlikely the lease will be finalised by the start of the financial year. 

I claimed a woman's right to the last word to make a plea that they recognise that as a working men's club our members are not regarded as having bottomless pockets to pay ever inflating fees.

They sounded interested, but only time will tell.